Available reports...
  • Q3 10/10/2023
  • Q4 1/10/2024
  • Q4 1/10/2024
  • TR 4/29/2024

Contact Information

6317 Amherst Ave
Keystone Heights, FL - 32656
Candidate's Statement

Hello my name is Matthew OBerry and I'm running for Clay County Sheriff.

Yes. Those are big shoes to fill. The drugs are getting so bad. 
I want to eradicate all meth and fentanyl. Do that and the crime will start to trend downward

I'm asking for your support to help the next generation of children break the cycle of drug abuse and domestic violence.

I'm your man to bring us all together and break the hold of addiction.



Note: The candidate's photograph and statement are supplied by the candidate and are not endorsed by the County Supervisor of Elections or checked for accuracy.
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