Kelly F. Suggs
Available reports...
  • 19M7 8/12/2019
  • 19M8 9/10/2019
  • 19M8 9/10/2019
  • 19M9 10/10/2019
  • 19M10 11/12/2019
  • 19M10 11/12/2019
  • 19M11 12/10/2019
  • 19M12 1/10/2020
  • 20M1 2/10/2020
  • 20M2 3/10/2020
  • 20M3 4/10/2020
  • 20M4 5/11/2020
  • 20M5 6/10/2020
  • 20P1 6/19/2020
  • 20P2 7/6/2020
  • 20P3 7/17/2020
  • 20P4 7/24/2020
  • 20P5 7/31/2020
  • 20P6 8/7/2020
  • 20P7 8/12/2020
  • 20G1 8/28/2020
  • 20G1 8/28/2020
  • TR-P 11/23/2020

Contact Information

9000 SW 106 Terrace
Gainesville, FL - 32608
Candidate's Statement


My campaign is about building on the success of Mr. Ed Crapo.

I spent twenty years at the Alachua County Property Appraiser"s Office.  My responsibilities included the valuation of residential, commercial and industrial properties.  During that time the residential property owners of our county repeatedly asked for a fair tax roll, where everyone paid their fair share of the property taxes.  I intend to give to them what they have asked for.

It is the property appraiser's responsibility to accurately assess all property types within the county.  I believe there is a need to improve how the office reviews and assesses the more expensive properties to assure there is equity on the tax  roll.

I have almost thirty years experience in ad valorem property valuation right here in Alachua County.  In my role at Kelly Suggs LLC Property Tax Consulting I have been advocating for property owners in twenty seven counties across the state for the past ten years.  My first hand look at the operations of these other county property appraiser's offices gives me a broad look at better ways to efficiently and correctly put together an equitable tax roll. 

It is vitally important to all property owners to know they are assessed correctly and are only paying their fair share of property taxes.

My promise to the property owners of Alachua County is a fair and truly equitable tax roll.

I can be contacted at (352)240-2367 or


















Note: The candidate's photograph and statement are supplied by the candidate and are not endorsed by the County Supervisor of Elections or checked for accuracy.
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