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  • Q1 4/10/2024
Candidate's Statement

Do you have some questions about Johnny's background and his journey up to the present?  Are you wondering how his life experiences could benefit you if he were elected County Commissioner for District 5?

Johnny's family has been part of Levy County for over four generations, with business ties in timber, farming and cattle.  Growing up as a boy in Levy, Johnny enjoyed summers on the Suwannee River at Folwler's Bluff with his Grandmother, swimming and fishing.  He worked the watermelon fields, laid sod, worked cattle throughout Gulf Hammock and surrounding areas.  Looing Back, a favorite past time was spending weeks riding his horse through the woods, camping and hunting.  Holidays as a boy were spent in the woods with family and friends, stories around the fire, early morning hunts, always making memories and building family ties.

Johnny's heartbeat is tied to strong family relationships.  Nothing means more to him than "family", gathering around the dinner table, whether at home or a restaurant.  Today, Johnny passes on his love for hunting and fishing to his children and grandchildren;  he takes great joy in watching the thrill of our youngsters as they catch a nice redfish or harvest a prize set of antlers!

One of the many tools that helped develop Johnny's character early in life was sports.  He played football in high school, attending four state championships.  Later, he palyed college ball for Lees-McRae in North Carolina. Through sports he learned the value of discipline, hard work, accountability and the importance of being a team player!

Experience in the real estate industry over the past 30+ years has given Johnny a depth of knowledge in working with agricultural land use, legal descriptions, zoning regulations, and comprehensive land plans.  His work in Levy and many other counties has provided him with the continued desire to keep Levy's RURAL LANDSCAPE as it is, without outside influencers changing our rural way of life in Levy!

Johnny has been raised with the values and traditions of Levy County: hard work, "a handshake and your word should be your bond", accountability, trust, integrity and patriotism.  He strongly believes in less government in our daily lives. COMMON SENSE has been his way of work and all of these characteristics will remain true as he moves forward. 

Note: The candidate's photograph and statement are supplied by the candidate and are not endorsed by the County Supervisor of Elections or checked for accuracy.
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