Perri Ann Parkman
Available reports...
  • P1 6/21/2024
  • P2 7/5/2024
  • P3 7/19/2024
  • P4 7/26/2024
  • P5 8/2/2024
  • P6 8/9/2024
  • P7 8/16/2024
  • TR-P 11/18/2024

Contact Information

803 Gladiolus St
Anna Maria, FL - 34216
Candidate's Statement

Born to a police officer father and a working mother, Perri Ann grew up in a low-income area of El Paso Texas.  Perri Ann very quickly learned the value of hard work and began working after school at the age of 14 in a local hair salon. After graduating high school she attended Technical School and studied the field of Cosmetology to help her pay for college. At the age of 20 she married her high school sweetheart and had two daughters who she adores.
Perri Ann was an active volunteer at the girls school and at her lifelong church, Highland Presbyterian. By the time she bought her first hair salon at the age of 32 she was on the brink of divorce and very soon after became a single mom. She continued to work in her business and also teach the science of Cosmetology to other beauty professionals. She met her husband Bruce in 1998 and married in 2001. This union resulted in their son Mac. Devoted to her career she opened another salon in her new home state of New Mexico and created a Day Spa in the heart of a mountain town where she also volunteered at the local Charter school and her sons private Christian school. Bruces employment relocated the family to Colorado where Perri Ann became a Yoga teacher, MELT Method instructor, fitness trainer and Neuro Muscular massage therapist. As an active PTO mom, classroom volunteer and sports trainer she was known for offering free or donation based classes to those in need and was famous for her Floriscent Fossil Bed yoga hikes up until her son’s early demise late 2020. Mac committed suicide due to mental illness he acquired from consecutive contact sports. 
Riddled with grief the pair moved to their retirement home they had purchased in 2013 in Manatee County to restart their life as empty nesters. Eighteen months later the diagnosis of Breast Cancer was given to Perri and the subsequent surgeries and treatment lasted another 18 months. 
Devoured by grief and her own mortality Perri Ann resolved to use her experiences to help her community. Perri Ann became active as a Deacon in her church and  offers MELT Method sessions and free Holy Yoga on Anna Maria island. Being a christian conservative has served her well in life as her love of God has guided her through the worst of the worst as she exhibits grace under pressure, always looking for the best in people and makes the best Tacos in Florida!
As a devoted wife, mother and new grandmother she has exemplary values and always makes sure her family is loved and cared for…………..




As a devoted mother and grandmother from a blended family, I am passionate about creating a better world for our children. 

Note: The candidate's photograph and statement are supplied by the candidate and are not endorsed by the County Supervisor of Elections or checked for accuracy.
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