Jacqueline Heisse
Candidate For Manatee County State Committeewoman
Retired financial executive of the $12 Billion Electronics Segment of Tyco International, Tyco Electronics, now a publicly traded company TE Connectivity. Extensive experience in external and internal financial reporting, forecasting, planning and budgeting of the largest global manufacturer of passive electronic components in the world, operating in over 50 countries with over 88,000 employees.
Sr. VP and Chief Financial Officer, Tyco Electronics — January 2001 - June 2006, Responsible for all financial reporting, accounting, cash operations, financial shared services, strategic planning, budgeting, forecasting and capital investments, as well as internal controls over such activities. In addition, responsible for the Global Information Systems Organization. Previous positions: VP and Controller, Tyco Electronics — October 1999 - January 2001, Assistant Controller, AMP Incorporated (Acquired by Tyco International in 1999) - October 1997 to October 1999, Director of Corporate Accounting, AMP Incorporated — October 1995 - October 1997
Experienced Audit Manager, CPA, Arthur Andersen & Co. SC — December 1987 to September 1995, Responsible for the external audits of various large public companies.
EDUCATION: University of Maryland, College Park, MD — B.S. College of Business and Management, Concentration in Accounting. 1987
Precinct Committeewoman for Precinct 305 Homes Beach, FL since 2021. Assisted in efforts to educate members of the Manatee County Executive Committee on the governing documents of the organization so they could effectively participate and achieve the policy views of the Republican voters. Led efforts to bring order to the financial management of the Committee after the Treasurer and Secretary resigned in December 2023. As part of that effort, drafted a first ever Financial Policy and Controls Document and assisted in calling Special Meetings to regain control of the financial management of the Committee. In addition, drafted the grievance document to the Republican Party of Florida sighting rule violations of certain board members. Successfully assisted in bringing a majority of Committee members together on the necessary actions needed to resolve issues.
I was born in Baltimore County, MD and lived the majority of my working career in York County, PA. I purchased a home in Manatee County in 2011 and moved here full-time in 2016. I have been married to Steve for 29 years. I enjoy reading, biking, the beach, and my German Shepherd Frommer.
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