James  'Jim ' Rich
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6422 NW Verdi Court
Port St Lucie, FL - 34986
Candidate's Statement

VOTE JIM RICH FOR MAYOR OF PORT ST. LUCIE “Strong leadership and a clear direction are key to promoting job growth in Port St. Lucie” Leadership is the ability to confidently inspire individuals to perform not only a specific task or job, but to motivate them to reach beyond the norm. Leadership is having a clear and steadfast vision and goal for the betterment of all. Leaders must also have the ability to listen and learn from others. I want to expand our ethics laws for elected officials and will look to the city of Jacksonville, FL for insight. In 2010, the city of Jacksonville implemented an ethics council to hold elected officials more accountable. As stated on their web site, “Ethics is more than the avoidance of criminal behavior. It is a commitment for public servants to take individual responsibility in creating a government that has the trust and respect of its citizens.” I’ve been a resident of Port St. Lucie for over 25 years. During this time, I’ve witnessed a city grow and mature into a “City for All Ages.” Citizens have brought a multitude of cultures from many different countries. Our temperate, year-round weather, low cost of living and many opportunities for recreational activities have made us the 9th largest city in the state of Florida. JOB CREATION Port St. Lucie needs more technical, higher paying jobs for our citizens. I will work closely with the St. Lucie County Economic Development Council, CareerSource Research Coast, the Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise Florida and the Governor’s office to market Port St. Lucie to national and international companies. I will promote the new technologies and innovations being created in the Tradition Center for Innovation and support and encourage our local businesses, the lifeblood of our workforce. IMPROVE COMMUNITY RELATIONS I will work towards an improved cooperation with the residents of Port St. Lucie and City Hall, St. Lucie County and neighboring communities. I will work to foster a more business friendly environment. VOLUNTEER COMMUNITY SERVICE “I believe in giving back to my community, without pay, through volunteer service” • Appointed to City of Port St. Lucie Planning and Zoning Board (2 terms/8 years): My unpaid, volunteer service provided me with the experience of running public meetings, handling the press, discussing, debating and voting on issues related to land use, zoning codes, variances and managing situations very similar to city council issues. I was required to and honored the Florida Sunshine Law. • Completed the St. Lucie County Citizen\'s Fire Academy in 2013, which was a comprehensive overview of services provided by the St. Lucie County Fire District. Since the mayor serves as a representative on the fire board, I wanted as much information as possible in order to best serve our firefighters and citizens. • Past Vice President of Port St. Lucie National Little League (Sportsman’s Park) • Baseball Umpire (2005 –present) • Industry Co-Chair for Postal Customer Council of the Palm Beaches. Chaired monthly meetings with marketing directors and the U. S. Postal Service, recruited new members, developed curriculum for and conducted educational seminars • Volunteer with C.A.S.T.L.E. to raise money for child abuse prevention and awareness • Avid, competitive runner and supporter of our local 5K\'s to 1/2 marathons I am inspired by our citizens, young and old! We have a wealth of talent in Port St. Lucie that will make it possible to create employment opportunities and continue a quality of life we cherish in Port St. Lucie. I do ask this of our citizens; get involved with your city. Engage! If you are not registered to vote, get registered. It is your right. If you can volunteer time to a youth organization, help with a senior citizens group, organize a civic group, volunteer at our botanical gardens, do it! I hope you will consider supporting my campaign by voting in the primary on August 26th. I want to serve you as your mayor! www.JimRich4Mayor.com Phone: 772-201-3120
Note: The candidate's photograph and statement are supplied by the candidate and are not endorsed by the County Supervisor of Elections or checked for accuracy.
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