Tamzin Rosenwasser
Available reports...
  • Q1 4/10/2024
  • Q2 6/10/2024
  • P1 6/21/2024
  • P2 7/5/2024
  • P2 7/5/2024
  • P3 7/19/2024
  • P4 7/26/2024
  • P5 8/2/2024
  • P5 8/2/2024
  • P6 8/9/2024
  • P6 8/9/2024
  • P7 8/16/2024
  • G1 8/30/2024

Contact Information

5846 Venisota Rd
Venice, FL - 34293
Candidate's Statement

I came to Sarasota as a teen-ager upon receiving an academic scholarship to New College. By then, I was on my own. I studied sciences, then went to St Louis, did scientific research, and sent myself to medical school, graduating from Washington University School of Medicine in 1982 with awards in Neurology and Dermatology. (I paid all my loans.) After residencies there I am dual Board-Certified in Internal Medicine and Dermatology. My research was in molecular biology of signal proteins and lipid-protein interaction.

I have always been against medical corporatists taking over your medical care. I worked for my patients, not for a corporation. I want Sarasota Memorial Hospital to remain a public hospital with voter input for the Board.

My research involved RNA, DNA, the Polymerase Chain Reaction, the viral bacteriophage m13, and much else, allowing me to have an understanding of Covid, the mRNA Covid shots, and much more. 

I think clearly and I have a moral compass.

I was an ER physician in St Louis at a large busy city hospital. When it closed, I returned to Sarasota County and opened a solo practice in Venice. I treasure every thank you card and letter, every gift from my patients, those in the ER and those in my practice. I have also practiced in New Hampshire and Indiana, but I have been a legal resident here since 1997, and before moving to St Louis. 

In 1998, I joined the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, whose motto is "All for the Patient." "Omnia pro Aegroto" in Latin. We stopped Hillarycare in 1993 (AAPS v Clinton). Recently we wrote an amicus brief in a case won against the FDA  over their opposition to Ivermectin (Apter v HHS) and an amicus brief for the United Airline pilots which was won in favor of the pilots who got religious vaccine exemptions, but then were not allowed to fly (Sambrano v United Airlines). AAPS v ABIM is on the docket, because they were  threatening physicians who were trying to take care of patients.

I am a Past President of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons and the present Treasurer. I ran my own practice and I am not in any debt. Our hospital must be financially sound and stable, and I am committed to keeping it that way. But I know that taking care of sick, injured patients is not a "business" like every other business. There is not one single doctor on the SMH Board.

I worked very hard to become a physician. The work is intellectual, emotional, and often physical. I have been present at births and heart-breaking deaths - of teen-agers with leukemia, people assaulted. I have seen people walk down the hall days after I held their beating heart or their soft breathing lungs in my hands during surgery.

During COVID, 577 people died at SMH, leaving widows and orphans. Section 1801 of the Medicare Statute states "Nothing in this title shall be construed to authorize any Federal officer or employee to exercise any supervision or control over the practice of medicine or the manner in which medical services are provided, or over the selection, tenure or compensation of any officer or employee of any institution, agency, or person providing health services; or to exercise any supervision or control over the administration or operation of any such institution, agency or person."

The physicians and nurses, the residents and technicians, the dieticians and unit secretaries; everyone at Sarasota Memorial Hospital deserves our support and thanks. Physicians do not simply say "mistakes were made." We have Grand Rounds and conferences to identify problems, what went wrong, what needs to change, what can be improved. Vote for me and for Dr Guffanti, and we will heal the wounds.



Note: The candidate's photograph and statement are supplied by the candidate and are not endorsed by the County Supervisor of Elections or checked for accuracy.
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