Clayton Junkins WD
Available reports...
  • Q2 7/10/2009
  • Q3 10/13/2009
  • Q4 1/11/2010
  • TR-3 4/4/2010

Contact Information

799 Briarcreek Rd.
Jacksonville, FL - 32225
Candidate's Statement

Hello, my name is Clayton Charles Junkins. I have been a resident of Jacksonville throughout most of my life. I am a graduate of Duncan U. Fletcher High school and a Political Science major with a Pre-Law minor at Flagler College. I come from a very diverse family with two older sisters and a younger brother. As for my parents, my father is an officer in the Navy stationed at NS Mayport, he is currently serving in Iraq; my mother is a very eclectic woman who has been involved in many art programs in northeast Florida. My platform throughout this campaign will focus on major issues facing Jacksonville today. One of the most important, being a top priority, education! Having been a student in the public school system of Jacksonville; I have experienced, firsthand, what many students go through every day at school. Learning has become tedious for even the most gifted and talented young academics. Schools have been experiencing classrooms overflowing with students, cramped hallways, increased tension, and the like. This in turn puts more stress on instructors, hindering their performance to teach efficiently. A good education is crucial in securing the future of this city and the entire nation as a whole. My platform will also focus on taxes and the economy, limited government power, crime, and citizen involvement with the city and its affairs. Allowing residents to know what is happening behind the scenes, is imperative in gaining the trust required to develop a stronger relationship between the people and their government. Thank you for taking the time to read through this, I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible! Let us work together to bring glory back to the city of Jacksonville! ~Clayton Junkins
Note: The candidate's photograph and statement are supplied by the candidate and are not endorsed by the County Supervisor of Elections or checked for accuracy.
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