Candidate Log In

Using the system is very easy and there is no cost to you. Don't forget that the report IS NOT LEGALLY FILED until the electronically signed copy is received by our office. This must be done on or before the due date of the report.

If the report is delinquent, you are subject to a fine.

Once the report is received by our office, we will publish the data entered by you on on the web site.

Use the Candidate ID and Password provided by our office to log into the Electronic Financial Reporting System.

Once you are logged in, please proceed to the current reporting period to enter your transactions and submit your final report. The current reporting row is identified by date, code, and highlighted in green.

Forgot Password?

The Campaign Financial Reporting System is provided to you and all candidates to provide for entering contributions, expenditures, and other transactions required for campaign treasurer's reports. Our official contact information is:

  Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections
4301 Cherry Road
West Palm Beach, FL 33409
Main Office: (561) 656-6200

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