Michael Cox
Available reports...
  • P1-06 8/4/2006
  • P2-06 8/18/2006
  • P3-06 9/1/2006
  • P3-06 9/1/2006
  • G1-06 9/22/2006
  • G2-06 10/6/2006
  • G3-06 10/20/2006
  • G4-06 11/3/2006
  • TR-G 2/5/2007
Candidate's Statement

“As your commissioner, you will have my FULL attention.” Michael Cox made a commitment to community involvement while still attending Gulf High School and has never wavered. From serving as senior class president to Mayor of our city, Michael has devoted his time, energy and skills to making our community a better place to live, work and play. Michael’s professional experience and knowledge as a Certified Financial Planner™ (CFP®) and financial advisor will provide well-researched and targeted solutions for Pasco County’s most pressing challenges, including creating job opportunities and resolving insurance problems facing county homeowners. Michael’s decades-long history of commitment to the community combined with his exceptional financial background is the perfect combination for a brighter future for Pasco County. MICHAEL COX is ready to serve Pasco County and will move quickly to – • Appoint an Insurance Task Force to study the County’s out-of-control rising insurance costs, and organize a united effort between the County and the five municipalities to effectuate beneficial insurance changes. • Enact building codes that require higher standards for new construction to better withstand the threats of nature, such as sinkholes and windstorms, which will help curb rising insurance claims and costs. • Create incentives and economic development materials to attract new, high-paying jobs and businesses to the area. • Establish a review system that bases pay increases for County employees on job performance and customer satisfaction. • Utilize his financial planning skills to place controls on the rising $1.1 billion County budget. For more details and information about Michael’s programs for Pasco County, please visit www.MichaelForPasco.com CONTACT: 727-534-1572
Note: The candidate's photograph and statement are supplied by the candidate and are not endorsed by the County Supervisor of Elections or checked for accuracy.
The following financial reports are available:
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Monetary Contributions In-Kind Contributions Expenditures and Distributions
Candidate qualifying forms and miscellaneous documents