Morris "Gunny" Froscher
Available reports...
  • Q1 4/10/2024

Contact Information

Candidate's Statement


1980-2000 - US Military (retired as Gunnery Sergeant in USMC)

2000-2017 - Volusia County Sheriff's Office (Retired)

2018-2020 - Volusia County Schools (School Guardian)

2020- Present - US Navy (Security Assistant)

Volunteer Activities

- Jacksonville Sheriff's Office

- One Blood

- Navy Sea Cadets (Glenview, Illinois)

- Volusia Literacy Council

- Volusia County School District

 - Volusia Boys and Girls Clubs

Professional Organizations

- National Eagle Scout Association

Awards and Honors

- Numerous Awards, Honors and recognitions while in the military

- Numerous Awards, Honors and recognitions while a member of the VCSO (to include the National Sheriff's Office Medal of Merit, the State of Florida Attorney General Victim Service Award


- Bachelor of Science degree - Criminal Justice - FMU (Summa Cum Laude)

- Associate of Arts degree - Business Administration - Fayetteville Community College 




Note: The candidate's photograph and statement are supplied by the candidate and are not endorsed by the County Supervisor of Elections or checked for accuracy.
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